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Indian Canyons Retreat



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Indian Canyons Retreat(圖1)-速報App

Palm Springs vacation home that was originally built in 1962 and has been professionally decorated by Grace Home Furnishings to be a hip Palm Springs escape:

Indian Canyons Retreat(圖2)-速報App

Grace Home Furnishings style combines East Coast refinement and Old Hollywood glamour with the comfort and ease of Southern California living.

Indian Canyons Retreat(圖3)-速報App

Located in the historic Indian Canyons Golf Resort neighborhood, this 2,568 sq ft vacation home features resort amenities including a large pool, bubbling spa, covered patio with outdoor seating, four colorful lounge chairs, gas grill, citrus trees, spacious lot and much more. In addition, two King beds, a 65'' TV in the living room, modern furniture and a sunny interior create the ideal Palm Springs experience.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad